Sleeping through another day while mom works

I was able to work from home again on Thursday – I wanted to stay home to monitor Holly in case she had any reaction to the chemo.  So far so good – she’s not eating as heartily as she sometimes does, but she also doesn’t appear to be feeling sick, so overall she’s had good days since the chemo on Tuesday.  She keeps me company when I work from home… usually sleeping away the day.  My home office has several places she likes to sleep (who’s office is it, anyway?) – her favorite place to start is on the chair next to my desk where she can look out the window and watch the kids going to school…

She then eventually wanders off to sleep either in her crate or under the other desk, where she has a comfy blanket to cuddle up on.  So it’s not like she needed another bed, but last week when I was at Costco they had these nice dog beds for a bargain price.  They looked a little big for Holly, but I just couldn’t resist getting her another comfy place to sleep!  Have you ever noticed how things at Costco never look quite as big when you’re in the store?  When I got the bed home, it became clear how big it is – Holly looks like the Queen of Sheba on it!  Here she is enjoying her new pillow in my (her?) office…

Anyway, she seems to be tolerating the chemo well so far.  The cerenia seems to have helped keep nausea at bay, at least for now.  And her energy levels have been good – those squirrels in the yard are not getting any rest now that she’s recovered from her surgery!  She’s keeping a strong interest in all the things she considers her “job” around here – monitoring the squirrels, alerting us when the mailman or any deliveries or pickups are made, and especially monitoring anyone opening the cheese drawer in the refrigerator!  She’ll have her next bloodwork on Tuesday to check the white cell counts.

… we’ll keep our fingers and paws crossed that she continues to do ok with her chemo treatments.