I love ice cream!  Tonight my family let me clean out the ice cream container.  My mom kept laughing – must be she was really enjoying her dish of ice cream.  I know I was enjoying mine!  Check it out…

Hard at work
OK - it was stuck on my head, but I figured out how to see again!
Boy does this taste good!

Ok – there were a few minutes where I couldn’t see at all and it was stuck on my head.  But I did figure out how to use my paws to get it off.  I’d say that’s really using my head!  There wasn’t a drop of ice cream left when I got through with that container!  Spirit Cherry sure knows what she’s talking about!

I hope everyone is getting yummy ice cream this week!

Always Holly Jolly By Golly

4 down… and some good news!

Yesterday Holly had her 4th chemo treatment.  All went well, and so far she’s been in fine spirits.  While she was at the vet, they did x-rays of her chest, and the x-rays are clear!  I can’t even express the relief – I wasn’t sure I wanted them to do the x-ray, and they hadn’t told me they were going to do it.  So when the vet tech said they had taken x-rays I think I held my breath until she said all was clear. 🙂

Over spring break Holly vacationed with her good friend Ernie, the yellow lab.  They spent lots of time studying the squirrels in Ernie’s back yard – but I’m not sure what conclusions they reached.  Perhaps more study is needed.  I’m sure Holly will file a report with all you tripawds interested in squirrels!  Holly also met her first pussycat while she was at Ernie’s – Sweetness is afraid of Ernie but evidently liked Holly!  And now Holly really likes cats!

For now we’re happily back to the usual… Holly hanging out under my desk, checking out the squirrels in the yard, monitoring the big cheese box in the kitchen, and watching for the mailman.   She’s happy, which makes all of us happy!

(2nd picture is Holly with her puppydog friend Murphy)