Two down…

Holly had her 2nd round of chemo yesterday.  When I went to pick her up the vet tech said that Holly was giving her and the other tech kisses the entire time she was getting her chemo.  She’s always very sweet, but it did make me stop and pause – could she somehow understand that the awful needle in her leg is there to hopefully help her?  She was very excited when I came to pick her up, and had a good night and a very good day today.  We took a short walk in the snow.  Holly wanted to go further, but the vet had said it’s best for her to take it easy the first few days after chemo just in case.  Hopefully she’ll tolerate this round ok…

Holly’s been enjoying all this snow we have – everytime she goes outside she comes back looking like a mini-abominable snowman!  Her fur is like velcro – so her head gets completely covered from all the sniffing and smelling she does.  I’ll have to remember to take a picture tomorrow and post it!  It amazes me how easily she’s hopping through all this snow!

7 thoughts on “Two down…”

  1. You bet she understood!

    I think one of the greatest feelings I get is when I open the door to let the herd in and the are genuinly happy to see me! I think that’s one of the main reasons dogs are here, to show us how to love without condition. I couldn’t go a day without it.

    We are sending good thoughts and prayers your way.
    Can’t wait to see the pictues!!

  2. That’s so awesome that she’s giving the vet techs all those kisses. She sounds like a real love. When Mackenzie goes through her chemo treatment, she has a lot of adrenaline so she is obsessively begging for those treats at the vet counter big time. Holly must be the cutest mini-abominable snowgirl. Can’t wait to see her pictures!

  3. Holly does the same thing – I always tell her she has no pride when she begs for more treats at the vet’s! It’s a good thing they don’t weigh her when she leaves… 🙂

  4. She is so cute!!! What kind of doggie is she? Can’t wait to see pictures of her in the snow 🙂 Jack used to like the snow, but we don’t get it anymore now that we live in WA state. 😛

    <3 Laura and Jackers

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