Today was another good day. Holly didn’t eat her breakfast this morning, but came back at lunchtime for it. Sometimes she reminds me of a teenager! She played in the snow alot (grabbing my mitten and shaking it like she just had to kill it), and then played with her rabbit squeak toy inside – also shaking it to within an inch of life! It’s so good to see her so happy and playful! She’s living up to her nickname – Jolly Holly!
Holly has been loving all the snow we have in Chicago. She loves to run through the back yard with her head down – and with her velcro-like fur she ends up collecting tons of snow on her head. I’m still not sure why that feels so good to her – maybe she just wishes I would wash her face? 🙂 Here’s a picture of our Abominable snow-tripawd (thanks to Peyton for the name – Abominable snow-tripawd fits her so well!)

she is sooooo cute!! Is she a Wheaten?
Thanks! She is a Wheaten!
She’s so cute! She looks like she’s full of piss and vinegar in the first picture with the toy in her mouth!
Tracy, Maggie’s Mom
Now see I could tolerate a cutie like you, Holly. BUT NO – I got that ugly monketbutt terrier (whatever he is), Rocket!
Sorry Holly for lumping you in MB Rocket’s category.
– Comet Dog
Jolly Holly!
You look so funny with your snowball face!! 🙂 What a cutie-pie!!
Angel Jake’s Mom
To Comet Dog –
Not a problem lumping me with MB – at least MB won some obedience awards or something! When I took puppy kindergarten the teacher kept telling my mom I had trouble focusing! Mom laughs about how that was the nicest thing the teacher could say about me. MB might still come through!
Trouble focusing?!?!? That is awesome- I don’t know why but that just makes me laugh.
I could say the same about my quad-pug Tani (Maggie’s little sister).
Holly sounds like she has a HUGE personality. I’m glad she seems to be handling the chemo and is feeling pretty good.
Karen and the pug girls
Hey Jolly Holly,
You’re starting to look a little like Opie from Alaska with all that snow on you. You are too cute for words!! It’s great to see that you are doing so well! Have lots more fun in the snow!
You’re in Chicago? Max and I are just south of Chicago! He’s not that much of a fan of the snow, though.
Jolly Holly,
We are so glad you are living up to your nick name! You are adorable in the snow! Keep having fun and feeling good!
Abominable snow-tripawd (HEE HEE HEE)
More like the Adorable Snow Tripawd! 🙂
Phew! That’s a relief, Holly! If you failed your training then that means you weren’t a loyal soldier! I’m starting to think I can really trust you!
Monkeybutt was in Puppy Elite Tech Soldier Missions and Regiment Training (P.E.T.S.M.A.R.T. for short).
They are out to destroy Tripawds! He’s starting with me first! Anyone of you could be next!
Unbeknowst to mommy, she probably saved my life by filling in the pot holes he dug out in the yard! She was thinking about muddy paws but I was thinking about falling in one and… KABOOM!
Now he’s booby trapping the stairs with toys! He’s trying to get me to fall! After seeing Mommy take that tumble down the stairs a few months ago- I’m really scared! I was right at the top and saw the whole thing! Four men hauled her off while lying down! Luckily she came back a few hours later. But who’s knows if I would!
Gotta go, I think he’s up to something…….!
Comet – out
Okay, maybe I exaggerated a bit. Monkeybutt may be has it in for only me but you never know, he could be trying to destroy all tripawds! It’s better to be safe than sorry.
We’ll help keep you safe, Cometdog! I’m not sure how, but maybe we can somehow disguise me as Monkeybutt and use to our benefit. Have to think about that…. Stay safe and be strong!
(do we need aliases?)
Nope on the aliases, monkeybutthead speaks a different language that not even my pawrents understand! So, we are cool. Uniforms might kinda neat, tho! A-MB Force. Lives!
Oh my gosh somehow I missed those pictures of you Holly! You are totally adorable with all of the snow on you!
I love those pics of Holly! What a cutie! Toto is loving the Chicago snow, too!
Pssst -Holly
Killbarney is trying to blow my cover on the forums where my mommy reads!
So if anyone asks, Anti-MonkeyButt Force AMBF is our new band name we are starting. Operation MonkeyButt is the name of the first album.
P.S. My stage name is Cool Cat Comet – Got it?
Got it! We are a happenin’ band AMBF. Lead dog is Cool Cat Comet. Backup singer/jumper is Holly Jolly By Golly. We need somedog on bass and drums… d’ya think Opie is up for that?
Drums. Definitely Drums. AND RUFOUS OPUS on drums! I always wanted an excuse to use my given name. It’s actually kind of a shame that monkey butt is such a pill because how cool would a band called: “Comet and the Rocket” be? Anyway, we need a plan.
I say along with our covert operations on tripawds, we need to start a midnight barking…you know, like in 101 Dalmatons? I go outside every night before I go to bed and bark my a– off. My mom always says to my pop, “Why do you think he does that?” Sheesh. Don’t they know? People are crazy.
What I need to know is can anyone hear me? Let’s test it. I will ask my mom to let me out at precisely 9:00 PM Alaska time. That’s 10PM Pacific, 11PM Mountain, 12AM Central, and 1AM Eastern. Listen for me. Let me know if you can hear me. For all you tripawds in the UK and elsewhere, I don’t know what time it will be in your town…that whole time meridian thing messes me up once I leave the US.
Opie. aka Rufous Opus the three-legged drummer
Cool, Rufuous Opie! You’ll be pawsome on drums! Maybe our 2nd album can be called Frito Feet. I’m beginning to think Rocket should be in the band – I love the name Comet and the Rocket for our band! And maybe we can brainwash MB into being a good dog if MB is in the band. What do you think?
I’ll try to get my mom to let me out at 12am tonight to listen for you barking.
Holly Jolly By Golly
That’s a great cover! Holly Jolly By Golly and Rufous Opus! No one will ever suspect a thing now!
“Comet and the Rocket”. NO! NO! NO! You didn’t just say our names together!!!!!? How ’bout, “Vomit in the Pocket”?
Yeah, not so pretty is it?
Oh Holly, my dear, you are so gullible. You would let Opie take you snipe hunting, too!
Do you really think Opie is going to go out in the cold at 9pm? That’s like the oldest dog trick in the book! You’ll look so silly standing in the cold at 12 midnight waiting to hear his bark while he’ll be laughing his A** off in front of a fireplace!
He’s pulling one of your tri-legs!
No offense Holly, you’re a sweet little girl but you let your mom take a pic of you with a snow drift on your face and a mitten in your mouth. It kinda speaks volumes. Sorry but someone had to say it.
Comet – that was not a mitten! It was my rabbit. See how dead it looks? I am really a tough girl, even though my mom let them put a dumb pink kerchief around my neck when I got my haircut!
I still think Opie will be out there barking for us at 9pm! I’ll let you know if I hear him.
Ok, you win. No Comet and the Rocket. Guess we’re back to AMBF as a band name. We can always tell people it stands for “Allied Monkey Butt Friends” even though we know what it really means. We still need someone on bass – any takers out there?