Hi Everypawdy! Guess what? I have a new little sister! And I’ll tell you, she’s pretty cute even if I’m not letting my mom know that I think that. She’s only somewhat annoying to me – like when she tries to play with the tags on my collar. She jumps up and tries to grab them – how annoying is that? But as the big sister I know I need to stay patient and teach her how to be a good dog, so I haven’t growled at her or swatted her or anything. My mom says I’m being so good and I’m getting lots of extra cheese for it! YAY – you all know how much I love cheese! My new sister’s name is Isabella Wolfjaws but they’re calling her Zuzu. As Opie would say – sheesh! What kind of a name is that? My other sisters really like to hike, and there are mountains my family climbed in the Adirondacks called Upper and Lower Wolfjaws – so they named her after that. I guess I’m pretty lucky to be called Holly Jolly By Golly, huh? I wonder why they didn’t name her after the mountain I climbed with them – Ampersand! That would be way cooler, don’t you think? Maybe someday they’ll take Zuzu and me to climb Wolfjaws, too – afterall Mackenzie has shown us all what an amazing hiker a tripawd can be! So here’s some pictures of Zuzu. My mom says it’s really hard to get pictures of the two of us together cuz either I move away too fast or Zuzu runs around too fast. But she’ll post some more once we settle down together.
I think everypawdy should get some treats to celebrate Zuzu coming to our family! Oh, and Zuzu is a mix of a Golden Retriever and a Poodle – so I know she’ll be pawsome since so many of my friends here are Goldens and of course there’s the ice cream loving Miss Cherry who was a poodle!
See what I mean – she’s trying to grab my tags in this picture!

As for me, I was supposed to get my 6th and final chemo yesterday. But the vet decided to wait until next week since my white blood counts were low. I could probably blame Zuzu but I didn’t meet her until Monday when they took my blood – so I don’t think even she could have made my blood look bad that quickly! Mom was so surprised since I did pawsome after my last chemo. Anyway, that all translates to even more treats for me since Mom feels bad about that. And the vet put me on antibiotics just in case – which my mom wraps in cheese so you can guess how I feel about that! This week has been pretty good to me so far…
Holly Jolly By Golly
Congratulations on the new addition to your scruffy little family! 🙂
Hey Holly!
Cute new little sister you have there!(whether you want her or not! haha!)
She kinda looks like you with her hair-doo looking like yours! 😉
Hope your WBC comes back up quickly and get that last treatment behind ya!
Good thing you didn’t ask my Maggie about getting a little sister- she would have said “what for?” You just have to share everything!!
Oh well- I guess the past 8 years with little (now bigger than Mag) sister have not been that bad…
Karen and the reluctant pug sisters
A puppy Goldendoodle! Holly, she’s (almost) as adorable as you are.
It sounds like it’s been a cheese-fest at your house.
Hm. Frankly, Ampersand wouldn’t be that great a name. Zuzu is much better – and sounds like zoom-zoom!
This is terrible news! A puppy! Can we call her Monkeybutt#2 and skip the whole Zuzu Isabella Wolfjaws name?
You may like her now – but just wait! I know first hand that this puppy business is not going to go well for you! First it’s your tags, then it will be your bed! OH and it gets worse – what until you have to share your last piece of CHEESE with her!
Can you give her back before you become “Crabby Holly”?
You’ll thank me later!
Cool Cat Comet
Oh, it’s Zuzu’s fault about your WBC! Start blaming her now for everything!
Again, you’ll thank me later!
Oh my gosh Holly she is darn near as cute as you!!! I am sorry to hear that your Blood Count was a little off but if that’s all that has happened to you with the new bundle of joy consider yourself lucky!
I agree with Cometdog blame her for everything starting now it will be much easier on you!
I’ll be watching for the updates.
Darlene (Angel Tehya’s Mom)
Gerry says –
Congratulations!!! I don’t know much about living with a new puppy,but just like living with any new dog, I bet you’ll see some super cool benefits like more toys in the house and new treats and sometimes you get appreciated more for things you don’t do that the new dog does. Enjoy!
Oh Holly… Congratulations!! Your new sister is almost as adorable as you… but she has a pretty funny name…
You should blame everything bad that happens on her… That’s the cool thing about having a little sister… Just blame them… and pretend that you’re the wonderful innocent one… I think that may work for a while… 🙂
Just think… you can also steal her toys and stuff too!! It works both ways! 🙂
Angel Jake’s Mom
OMD!! Holly your new sister ZuZu is the most adorable puppy!!! I’m just smiling from ear to ear at your new goldendoodle – what a great surprise your mom’s been keeping from us. 🙂 If you don’t want her around, please, please send her to my house!
And good luck with your WBC and next chemo treatment. I’m sure you’ll be doing just fine in no time. Plus you get to eat more treats and cheese – yea!!!
Enjoy your new little sister and don’t worry too much – you’ll show her who’s boss soon enough!
Lots of golden hugs!
Oh Holly, your name is the best EVER, so you never have to worry about somebody topping that. Your new sis is pretty cute, but you have her beat in the name category, for sure.
Sorry about the WBC deal, and missing chemo, but I’m pretty sure that it’ll all be fine when you do get it. This way you have some extra energy for that puppy.
It sure looks like you’re going to need it!!
Lincoln’s Mom
well, i guess i don’t know what to say about a new sister (my sister jane is 4 yrs older than me)…but i do say don’t bring home another kitty cat brother/sister!!! sorry your last chemo had to be put off…i’m looking forward to getting all that behind me, and i’m sure you are too!! but for all good reasons, let’s celebrate and have more cheese!!! cheese rules at my house too!!
Hey Holly – if you want to mess with Zuzu, just ask her where her petals are. She’ll go nuts trying to figure it out. She is pretty adorable, but how could she not be – she’s your sister and you are beautiful too. Plus, she’s a Golden Doodle. Before long, she’ll know who’s boss. Keep us posted.
She’s a Doodle Dog ! How sweet … ! We love doodle dogs 🙂
oops – I mean – Holly – you are the BEST big sister … ZuZu will be trained in no time flat. When she realizes how smart and cool you are – she’ll want to be just like you. She will follow you around like a puppy… well, you know what I mean.
And – I have to say it – I agree – just start blaming everything bad on her now. Make sure when the stuff starts flying that your back is turned. Great proof that you weren’t involved when all the bad stuff is on your back !
Hang in there Holly ! You’ll always be the older, smarter sister.
Sending you Golden hugs,
Sophie and Tana
Thanks for everyone’s comments! Holly is adjusting to having a little sister – she hasn’t growled at her yet, although she is getting good at ignoring all the puppy behavior. We’ll keep everypawdy posted on our two furbabies!
OMD! Holly, she is soooooo cute? I have to ask, “Where are Zuzu’s petals. Please tell me you named her after Zuzu in “It’s a Wonderful Life.” My favorite Christmas movie!
I wonder how big your sister will grow? Keep being nice to her Holly. You are a good big sister.
Opie’s mom