Hi Everypawdy! Life has been good this week… Holly’s bloodwork was better than last week (her counts went from 540 to over 5000!). She was scheduled to get her last chemo yesterday, but her veins wouldn’t cooperate because she was dehydrated. It’s been hot here in Chicago, and we’ve been picking up the water in the early evening because of the puppy without thinking about how that could affect poor Holly. So the vet gave her fluids yesterday, and today she’s enjoyed some salmon popcicles we made yesterday, and some frozen pb&yogurt treats (thanks, Comet!) so hopefully she’ll be good to get her final chemo tomorrow. Her spirits have been good, except she’d like to erase the little intruder from our house. She does a good job totally ignoring Zuzu – still really only shows her backside to the puppy! And of course Zuzu is very excited about Holly. So we’re working on harmony in our pack. 🙂 Holly now allows Zuzu to nap within a few feet of her – so we’re making progress!

Grandparents were visiting over the weekend, which was awesome for Holly since Grandma (who is not a dog person) loves Holly and made sure to give her plenty of pets.
I’ll update again tomorrow night or Friday to let everyone know if Holly is done with chemo. I’m hoping we’ll be celebrating the end of that soon!
Oh, Jolly Holly. My pawrents and I are keeping our paws crossed that you will be able to get your final chemo done tomorrow. I have 2 down and 4 to go. Chemo is just s o yucky, but we have to do it to get rid of that nasty old cancer.
It looks like you and Zuzu are getting along pretty good. It’s tough when an interloper comes into your house, but I’m sure you will grow to love each other. Good luck tomorrow and let us know how things go.
Hope everything goes well, Holly, and you get that final chemo done. Sophie has 2 down as well. We’ll decide later next week if we’re going to do any more or not – depending on results of some xrays.
Zuzu is growing like crazy ! That’s the thing about these “little” intruders … they don’t stay little for very long. Glad you had your Grandma for some lovin’ over the weekend.
Sending Golden hugs,
Sophie and Tana
HJBG! I knew you’d rally, my BFF! You are my hero!
We gotta get this icky chemo out of the way so we can get back to business! A.M.B.F. Inc. has been on vacation too long! And now we got to deal with “you know who – that ends with a ZU”!
I’m telling you, I got MB #1 and you got MB #2! I fake out my mom too by letting MB#1 lay a couple of feet away – but I’m giving him the evil eye the whole time! I can tell you are giving her the evil eye, too! GOOD. I taught you well!
When mommy is not looking MB#1 taps my bottom with his cat-like legs! Oh, he makes me so mad! I hope “you know who – that ends with a ZU” doesn’t do that to you!
Puppies should be banished to Puppyville until they grow up and can act like normal dogs!
AntiMonkeybutt Force Lives Again!
Oh, Holly, I know how it is to get an intruder in your house – aka p-u-p-p-y! I hate puppies! But after my little sister, Haley, grew up, she’s not so bad now. Although she tries to boss me around too much!!!
Good luck Holly with your last chemo treatment!! Hope all goes well and man oh man, it’ll be good to get that behind ya, huh!?! Thinking of you and will be awaiting a report!
good luck with your last chemo – it’s great you’re almost done with that yucky stuff!!! sorry things aren’t better with the puppy…how is it she already looks bigger than you!!! remind that zuzu that age has it’s privileges!!!
Hi Jolly Holly!
Wishing you all the best for your last chemo treatment and bet you and your mom can’t wait for it to be all done! I know when Mackenzie did her final treatment it was such a relief and a great feeling to know that we could finally get on with our lives and start feeling good again. So we will be pre-celebrating with you and then celebrating some more (with lots of treats, of course)!
Lots of golden hugs to you!
P.S. Your picture with your little sister is so darn cute!!
Thanks for all the comments! Holly had her final chemo yesterday – the vet said she looks great! We’re all just hanging in the back yard now – it’s a pawsome day in Chicago!
And Holly seems to be getting along well with Zuzu – they seem to coexist better and better each day. Zuzu tries to control her exuberance a little more around Holly, but sometimes she can’t help herself!
PS – Comet, this is Holly here. Boy are you right, I keep trying to give you know who that ends in ZU the evil eye, and my mom doesn’t notice that at all! I’m thinking we definitely need to get AMBF back in action. I can already see Zuzu is trying to dig potholes in the back yard to make me fall, and I remember MB did that to you!! And Zuzu runs into me and makes me lose my balance. How is it she has so much energy? Do you think she is drinking energy shakes or something? Do you think she’s from the same spaceship that MB is from? Maybe they are fellow aliens!